How Microsoft has impacted my life ?
Microsoft didn't just stop with operating system alone, they made many other awesome products. The best would be Microsoft Office
This had been a great help during my school days, i can't imagine what i would have done without this.
The next product that caught my eye was SKYPE. Imagine i could talk with my friend all day long without paying a penny to my service provider. Well, Skype made it possible.
And i can't leave out VISUAL STUDIO. The BEST product ever, took coding to a whole new level and with new Windows App Designing SDK, i can create apps for Windows mobile.
If there hadn't been Microsoft, i just can't imagine what i'd been doing right now.. So this is how Microsoft impacted in my life.
How I plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate:
Microsoft Student Associate Program enables me to meet some people exploring the new, trending and evergreen Microsoft technologies. And as they say, give the right man knowledge and the world seems to be enlightened then. Quite similar to that, one might call me a man en-route that path. Over years, I have actually learned what Bill Gates said, “I believe that if you show people the problems and then, you show them the solutions, they are moved to act”. Probably, this has always made me never leave any platform I could get to share with people, interact with them, give closer looks and feel what they feel.
“Power is gained by sharing knowledge and not by hoarding it. That’s like a miracle, the more we share, the more we induce.” This is something more that I have learned ever since I learned to handle myself. And I've always wanted to form a organisation for education purpose and this gives me a head start, the best way to share knowledge. And Microsoft Virtual academy is awesome, the best way to learn and improve our skills. Such great opportunities are not utilized due to lack of communication and so, my job would be to spread such news through social media and in person to my colleague in college.
I consider this as my time to getting started...
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